
EU Enlargement Watch

Export Credit Agencies

Euratom Loans

Nuclear Power



Market Concentration

European Commission's
Nuclear Package

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Having followed development on nuclear power for a number of years there are a number of reports and briefings on nuclear power. These include detailed assessments of the implications of enlargement of the EU on nuclear power – previously published by the Financial Times Energy Group and a review of the World’s industry. For further details please click on the links below.

Financing Phase Out
FT Report - EU Enlargement
Genetic Engineering v Nuclear Power - Same Old Story?

A paper prepared with Wise-Amsterdam, the BankWatch Network and Energia Klub in Hungary, in November 2003, for the European Social Forum in Paris can be accessed here

A paper was prepared for the Eurosafe 2003 conference on the Enlargement of the EU and the implications for nuclear power this paper can be accessed here